Two 35/6 kV mobile modular substations (MMS) for JSC Polyus Aldan

SPECENERGO has manufactured and delivered two 35/6(10) kV mobile modular substations (MMS) against the order of JSC Polyus Aldan.
Each MMS comprises 2 semi-trailers with the following equipment installed:

    • high voltage module: 35 kV switchgear in a modular building with 35 kV cubicle switchgear, 35/10(6) kV 16 MVA power transformer, 35 kV overvoltage suppressor on the line side;
    • low voltage module: 10(6) kV switchgear in container unit with 6(10) kV cubicle switchgear, substation control center (SCC) equipped with cabinets for protection, control, telemetry and communication systems, automated electric power fiscal metering (AEPFM) system, lighting, heating, fire and burglar alarm systems, ventilation and air conditioning system. SCCs are synchronized with each other in terms of control of the MMS elements, alarm system, auxiliary equipment and direct in-line current systems.

MMS modules are installed on semi-trailers with spring suspension and are provided with heavy duty towing eyes for multiple and reliable transportation over winter trails.
MMS will provide reliable electric power supply to the gold extracting factory located in Nizhny Kuranakh settlement (Yakutia), which belongs to Polyus Zoloto Concern. Kuranakh ore field that supplies ore to the factory for processing includes 11 gold deposits under development with a total area of 1,500 km2. At the moment, a new expansion stage of Kuranakh gold extracting factory is underway, involving an increase in capacity to 7.5 million tons of ore per year.