Two 35/6 kV mobile substations for Rosneft

SPECENERGO has manufactured and delivered two mobile modular substations (MMS) for power supply to Rosneft’s oil fields.

MMS with a voltage of 35/6 kV and transformer capacity of 6.3 MVA will provide power supply to consumers using a temporary power supply circuit during the replacement of the equipment of existing substations, and will also be used as the main step-down distribution substations.

Each MMS includes:

  • 35 kV open switchgear;
  • 35/6 kV 6.3 MVA power transformer in mobile version;
  • a container unit with 6 kV cubicle switchgear, an in-house cabinet, lighting, heating, fire and burglar alarm systems.

MMS equipment is mounted on a single semi-trailer, which enables multiple relocation of the substation to new power supply areas. MMS is designed for operation in conditions of the far north: temperature mode of operation is down to -60 degrees Celsius. Thanks to the complete factory readiness, the installation of MMS is carried out in a short time and requires a minimum amount of construction work, while a high degree of automation ensures the unmanned operation of the equipment.