Russia’s First 40 MVA Mobile Substation

At the end of 2021, SPECENERGO has completed a large-scale project to produce Russia’s first 110/10(6) kV mobile modular substation (MMS) with a unit transformer capacity of 40 MVA.

The need for such MMSs is underpinned by the high load of stationary transformer substations, the disconnection of which poses a great threat to socially significant and critical facilities.

When developing this technical solution, SPECENERGO relied on its many years of accumulated experience in the production of MMSs. Placing a power transformer with such capacity on a movable platform required a detailed study of each element for dynamic and vibration stability, which arise during transportation of MMSs, as well as additional fastening of the active part inside the transformer. SPECENERGO experts developed special heavy-duty semi-trailers having universal design and reinforced load-bearing members, which meet the requirements of the traffic police to using such semi-trailers on public roads.

Climatic design of the transformer substation, the materials and components used allow its operation in extreme climatic conditions: KhL1 as per the relevant GOST.

This MMS will be used to organize the power supply system for consumers in Irkutsk and the Irkutsk Region under a temporary mode, during peak load periods, to facilitate grid operation, and for power supply during repair and restoration work on stationary substations.

SPECENERGO continuously improves its technical skills by introducing innovative technologies in the production of mobile modular substations. One of the key tasks is always improving the solutions we offer in terms of their compliance with modern quality criteria and ease of use for our customers.