Three 110/10 kV mobile substations for Rosneft

SPECENERGO has manufactured and delivered two mobile modular substations (MMS) for power supply to Rosneft’s oil fields.

Each 110/10 kV MMS with transformer capacity of 25 MVA is designed as two independent mobile high voltage (HV) and low voltage (LV) modules.

HV module comprises packaged gas insulation switchgear (PGIS), 110/10 kV 25 MVA power transformer, oil receiver and oil collector. In accordance with the ToR, MMS is equipped with an oil receiver of surface (attached) type. It is fixed to the semi-trailer platform under the transformer, its internal surface is protected with non-flammable oil-resistant fabric.

LV module is made from a welded cold-proof container. The following equipment is installed inside: 10 kV cubicle switchgear, auxiliary equipment cabinet (AEC), central alarm, protection and power transformer voltage control cabinet (PTC), in-line current and telemetry cabinet, lighting, heating, fire and burglar alarm systems, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Use of MMS is an efficient solution for providing power supply in the oil and gas industry. Thanks to its mobility, after depletion of resources in operating oil fields, the MMS can be used at a new site. In addition, maximum operational readiness allows the operator to reduce the substation commissioning time.